Presidents’ Day Holiday
There will be no school on Friday, February 12th and Monday, February 15th in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day.

Mandatory Parent Meeting
Parents please join us for a Mandatory Parent Meeting on Thursday, January 28th at 6pm via Zoom.

One class at a time throughout the morning. This fun, non-competitive event will have options for students at each grade level to jump for joy: jumping jacks, jump rope etc.
-Due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to have parents/guests attend. We will have a live-stream available!

Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Celebrate the upcoming holiday by wearing your favorite Ugly Christmas Sweater to school.

Students in preschool through fourth grade will take part in a Trunk-or-Treat on our field to celebrate Halloween.

Picture Day
Smile for the camera!
Individual School Photos will be taken today. Students may wear dress clothes or uniform for their photo.